Why Did You Drink? Why Did You Smoke?
Why did you drink? Why did you smoke? Just tell me why you tend to do choke? Don’t you love your wife? Don’t you love your cute little princess? Then why did you drink? And why did you smoke? What about your son career, your impact on his life, Just think about your little princess and your lovely wife. Where you stuck up man, what did you get? Aren’t your fed up with quarrels, and the accidents you met? Then why did you drink? And why did you smoke? Can you imagine how much you hurt, and things you provoke? Think about that mother, who waked up several nights? Just to recover you from the fever, and protect you from mosquito bites. Think about father who is providing you, All the comfort from which, he has never been through, Then, why did you drink? And why did you smoke? Think about the sister, expecting concerns with you, What about that brother, don’t let his proud just blew. You are better aware...