Best way to remain healthy

Best way to remain healthy

-be fit and fine
A good morning routine
First and foremost important thing for person to do that one should wake up early in morning.

At, morning have 1 glass of warm water with honey or lemon instead of water you can also opt for green tea. It will supply energy to your body and brain too. Also you can eat some dry fruits.
Then, go for yoga, your favorite exercises do some from them. ; you can also do skipping it is a good cardiovascular exercise.  For breakfast opt a light, nutritious and proteinous food like poha, eggs,oats protein shake etc.

                                      Keep it in mind
Keep eating something with small interval of time. So, your brain does not think  that this person is going to keep me hungry. Because if brain will feel that will be not left hungry it will stop storing fat.

Healthy lunch
If you want to be healthy, fit and fine and also if you are figure conscious always opt for a food which contains less oil. Go for food which had low spices, low salt and sugar content too. Especially in summer keep all this I mind that opt for less oil food.
Had  lot of salad in your lunch.  In Lunch you can include chapattis , bowl of dal and vegetables , a bowl of rice you can also have brown rice it is really healthy. If you are non vegetarian include some non veg food to your lunch.
Dry fruity snacky evenings 
At snacks time you can opt for some dry fruits like almond, pumpkin seeds, cashew nuts , walnuts. When you had sugar cravings you can eat raisins. you can eat apple ,banana any fruit or green tea.
Dinner delight
Have light dinner especially less oily. It is better to have dinner 2 hours ago before going to bed.
Also go for a walk it will keep you healthy. At bedtime have one glass of warm milk having turmeric it had antiseptic properties. Also having honey with milk induces better sleep.

Have a sleep for at least 8 hours. During our sleep our body undergoes repairing, having proper sleep will give you
So, simply using all these simple methods you can remain, healthy and fit.healthy.


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