

Yes, selferia  you heard it right. Most people In today’s world had this one.
This term is used especially for the people who got craze to take lots of selfies. Selferia –this word had come from selfie which means taking photo from front camera of phone or any device having camera. It can be of individual own or with some other people.

As, all the things in this world had both advantages and disadvantages. So, if we are doing or
Using something up to limit is good going beyond anything make it worse .Same is also in the case of selfie.
So, it is in our hand how to use thing, it all up to us. It is usually said that one should be positive .Being positive one will have positive thoughts and will do things positively.
As, I told you that selferia had also got some disadvantages .Medical studies had revealed that taking selfie using hand had lead to health problems. Taking  selfies from hand stretch the muscles of hands causes pain around elbow region known as selfie elbows.As, stretching of neck  is involved it causes also pain around neck.
But now there is remedy for this selfie stick has been introduced in market  one having craze for selfies ,which lots of people have they can go with this healthy  option .

There are many studies on selfies all had got many conclusion .So we only have to take precaution.
I had read one article it was being  told there that taking selfies can  transfer lice from head of one person to other .Don't worry guys we know that there is always a solution of a problem. So by maintaining distance from one’s head one could not got lice right.
But when people had selferia beyond limits it makes worse conditions for them .news related to accidents from selfrias are heard.
I had heard a news that two boys had died while taking selfies from moving train. It was their fault that they  had not understand the situation.
People had much craze for having selfie, I could not understand that what pleasure they find having selfie with a died person. And this craziness is completely wrong. So, we need to understand situation and act accordingly it.
 The word selferia is being now referred as a disease for the person having craze for selfies.
If  someone take selfie in positively way or use it positively it benefits us. Especially it increases love whether for individual itself, between friends, couples anyone. One day while going by metro I have seen a very old couples taking selfies, they want to get a perfect picture for them, it increases their  love between them can be.
Selfie only of a individual increases love for his/herself a lot. And more self love means more protection. So, you can see how thing changes when we take it positively. So, it is only you who can decide to use thing positively in our favor or in other way.


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